Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Quiet end to December

Well, we all fortunately made it through exam week, and so Fall Semester 2009 has come to a close. It had its ups and downs, with a lot of stress near the end, but I think we’re all ready for something a little new. Which is convenient, because a new decade is only a little more than a week away. 2010 will mark Grand Valley’s 50th anniversary; the college was founded in fall of 1960, and wow, have we come a long way. Some of the newest housing in the state, the number one division II athletics programs, one of the nation’s top “best buys” among colleges and one of the most ecologically friendly colleges, this institution has most definitely built a strong name for itself over the years. Maybe at some point I’ll write a short historically retrospective post, but I’m not quite feeling that today.

For all of the activity on campus when class is in session, the university is certainly quiet on breaks. People ask a lot on tours if the campus empties out on weekends. The answer to that is no, but breaks are way different from weekends. I hate to be discouraging here, but I would really suggest not coming by when the campus is on break, particularly winter or spring holidays. Summer session is still a fine time to visit; we have classes in session over the summer, so the campus is still active. Winter break, on the other hand, is unusually quiet. It’s honestly unnerving; less than a week ago I had to fight crowds to find study spaces in my favorite buildings (in all honesty, though, I’m kind of picky about where I study), and now it’s quiet in most of the structures. I won’t complain too much about it, the office will close down after tomorrow and won’t open again until January 4, which means a solid week and a half of no major responsibilities for me. I’ve decided that this is a much needed chance to recharge after all of the physical, academic, and social stress of Finals Week 2009.

If a visit these coming weeks is what works for you, though, don’t let me change your mind. I’ve got my own personal opinion, but I also figure that high school is a pretty busy time, so if this is your best chance to drop by, go for it. I’m just surprised every year by how stark the contrast is between finals week and winter break.

Aside from that, I hope everybody has safe and pleasant holidays. I’ll still check back for questions throughout the break, but this will probably be my last Laker Talk post of this decade, so ask away and otherwise I’ll see you in 2010.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Three down and three to go

Halfway through finals is worth celebrating, right? It’s still going to be a long week, but I’m looking forward to taking it easy after Thursday. Finals week is a funny thing; you have way fewer class sessions to attend, but you’re about twice as stressed as usual. But I suppose that’s a pretty common student experience.

The nice thing is that the University recognizes that and caters to it. I’m really starting to appreciate the extended library hours, which will be 24/7 for the rest of the week. The coffee, water, and hot chocolate is also nice, though I’m not one for caffeine. It’s a pretty full week, between studying and working it’s amazing any of us can actually find time to take exams, but after Friday another semester will be over, with three weeks until the next one.

That doesn’t mean that we’re all done with responsibilities until January 11, though; Admissions is open for a large portion of the break. So if you have a chance to swing by and want to see the campus in wintry conditions, give us a call. Speaking of which, I think that our Facilities and other service fields on campus deserve a big tip of the hat. The weather’s been all over the place for the last two weeks, from rain to fog, all the way to a blizzard, and yet the campus has stayed pretty clear (I haven’t hit the ground yet). So if anyone from those departments happens to be reading, thanks for keeping the grounds traversable.

Well, now is as good a time as any to wrap up, I’ve still got a couple of hours to spend here, maybe I’ll swing by the gym, and then the rest of the day will probably be spent studying. Hopefully, at least.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sports weather and finals

A quick update on something I said last time: GVSU fans will be happy to hear that the soccer girls won their first national championship down in Florida in the history of the team, and football is going back to Alabama. Exciting times for Laker athletics.

In weather related news, people keep saying that we’re supposed to get blizzard conditions over the next two days. I’m a bit of a skeptic; having lived in Michigan for all of my life has told me that you can’t accurately predict Wednesday’s weather until Thursday morning.

Of course, the big thing on my mind is finals week, which is next week. Every student’s favorite time of year, right? I’ve got four exams next week, and two classes with finals this week. In other words, the semester is winding down, I think I’ve already done three professor evaluations. I’ll be meeting with a couple friends in about 40 minutes for a study session, but between now and then I have to get back to a final project. Holiday Break’s right around th corner, though.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Another Fall over

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving Break, or at least not a stressful one. In weather related news, we had our first snowfall of the season last night. It didn’t stick, so I’m not sure that it counts, but it’s still definitely a sign that December’s started. Much as I love the snow, I can’t help but think of it from a commuter’s perspective. I guess that’s just one more reason I miss living on campus, and right about now I do really miss it. It’s pretty fun seeing Allendale in the snow.

Good news for any sports fans out there, both men’s varsity football and ladies’ varsity soccer are in the semifinals of the playoffs right now, which is exciting for both. In non-sports related content, we have our first scholarship competition of the year this Saturday, which I’m excited to be working at. They’re always funny to be at, because the students are a little quiet and nervous about the competition, and the parents have a tendency to ask more questions (since they’re there all morning). If you’re interested in attending one of these competitions, don’t forget to apply soon (the deadline is December 31, but I’m sure that I’ll be repeating that soon anyway).

The semester is starting to wind down at this point, my group and I turned in and presented our case report for my Monday night class before Thanksgiving, I have another final report due next week Wednesday, and most of my other classes are finishing up the course material. Finals are coming up, but I haven’t really started feeling the pressure of exams yet. That’s not to say that I haven’t been thinking about exams, I just haven’t started my reviews just yet. If I’m still saying, “hey, there’s plenty of time” next week, that’ll be a sign that I’m in trouble, but we’ll take it one step at a time.

Ask me if you have any questions,