Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Not much to say

People always seem to start pointing out how fast the semester is going by once we hit November, but I’m just not seeing where they get their sense of time. I would say, though, that we are on the second leg of the term, and my night class professors keep reminding me that we only have so many more class times ahead of us.

That’s not to say that I don’t have the end of this semester in mind, it’s just not in the way that people traditionally think students think about the end of classes. I’ve been trying to rework my schedule for second semester, and the good news is that I’ve finally had a little success and (hopefully) set down my classes (not that you should wait until I did to fix scheduling errors, I just got lucky). My next step is to get an appointment with an advisor and go through a degree analysis, mostly just to see if I’ve missed any bases. But degree analysis isn’t just a tool for when you’re worried about graduation, it’s also a great way to keep track of your Gen Ed. classes. It’s probably most useful, though, if you’re thinking about changing a major, since the analysis essentially shows all that you’ve completed and all you still have to do for any given program.

But I’m drawing a blank on anything else to say right now, I guess this qualifies as just an update on my activities. Feel free to let me know what’s going on with you guys, though; I’m really curious to know what you readers have on your minds.


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