Monday, July 19, 2010

Pictures, part 1

If you remember, back in May or so I alluded to doing something new and relatively big. Flash forward to now, and now there are photos on the blog. I figure it's a refreshing change from about a 15 month wall of text, but it's mostly because I'm drawing a blank on a subject worth talking about. I was thinking about starting with landmarks and landscapes on the campus, and then moving on to facilities on campus, but it will probably just turn into "pictures this week" and then "pictures on the next week."

The Student Service Center is where our admissions office is located, and typically one of the first sites incoming students see.

The fountain is one of my favorite spots on campus, but I wouldn't suggest dancing in it with any friends.

The Carillon Tower is another recognizable sight on campus.

Here are two different views of segments of Mackinac Hall, the largect academic structure on campus.

This is a hidden courtyard, somewhere in the middle of the Neimeyer Living Center, part of the Honors College.

Here is the Transformational Links sculpture, as well as a little courtyard in the middle of the Neimeyer Living Center.

And finally, here's a nice view of Zumberge Pond, which lies between Zumberge Library and the Kirkhoff Center, with the tower visible in the background.

Looking back, I'm sure I could have just as easily pulled promotional photos that looked better off of the website and filled them in, rather than taking my own, but hey, where's the fun in that?


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