Thursday, April 30, 2009

First Post and Refresher

Hello everyone, this is my first post to the GVSU blog, my name’s Kyle. Just since it’s been a little while since the last post from anyone, I figured I’d go over how things tend to work as a refresher (mostly, though, it’s just to walk myself through the process).

A couple other admissions employees and I occasionally write here on the day to day life and student activity here at Grand Valley State University. Check back here if you want to hear about special events, upcoming calendar activities, or just general comings and goings. As a reader, you can submit any questions you have for us in the comments for each blog post, and they will generally be answered in the comment section under which they were posted or in the next blog entry. If you’re reading this, I think I can presume that you already know how to find our blog, but just in case you happened across it some other way, you can get back here by going to the GVSU website, clicking on Admissions, then Undergraduate Admissions, and just follow the links from there. I’ll try to keep talk on my personal life or activities outside of GVSU events to a minimum; unless nothing’s going on, I’m pretty sure that nobody cares to hear what the cute girl in my accounting class thinks of me (just for the record, though, she thinks I’m a nice guy).

That being said, we’re in the week between semesters, and nothing’s going on. While the campus is normally pretty active, even when class isn’t in session, this is one of the few times a year when it is a legitimate ghost town. After about a year of almost nonstop activity around here, it's kind of unnerving to see the campus be so quiet. On the bright side, class for the Spring Semester starts on Monday, so activity will bounce back up shortly.

With nothing else to write about today, I figure I’ll just mention to any of our High School readers who are just finishing up Junior year that you can apply for admission to GVSU as soon as you finish Junior year. Bear in mind, though, that the counselors won’t start looking at applications until after Labor Day, so it will be a little while before you get news back.

Well, thanks for reading, and don’t forget to post any questions,


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